Blog Post

How to Prep Your Deck for the Upcoming Summer

November 19, 2019

Your deck needs your care and attention in order to stay in good shape over the years. It is important to get your deck ready for the summer months, and spring is the time to do it. Prepping for the upcoming summer takes only a few steps, but you must take your time with each step in order to make sure this outdoor space is safe and ready for summer fun.

Give it a good inspection
The first thing you should do is go over the entire space visually. Look for loose boards and nails and check the rails and supports. This gives you the chance to repair or replace anything that’s not in great condition. Sand down splinters and tighten screws where needed. You may or may not need to replace boards, depending on any damage that may have accrued.

Give it a good cleaning
The next step is to clean. Start off with sweeping and hosing off all the debris. On a cloudy day, or during a time when the sun won’t bake the soap, wash the deck with a soap and water mixture. Then rinse it well. You will want to wait a couple days before doing anything else. This allows time to get the space completely dry.

Give it extra protection
Once your space is completely clean you will want to restain, if needed, and seal it for extra protection through the summer months. Depending on the foot traffic, you should only have to restain your deck about once every three years. Plan to do this step when you have two full days of fair weather with no rain in the forecast. Prep the entire space with a light sanding, as this will raise the grain in the area and allow the stain and sealant to absorb.

When applying your sealant you want to use a roller and do it in thin, even coats. You may need to use a small brush to get between the boards. Once you have applied the sealant, give the deck a couple days to fully set and dry before you use it.

Once the area is good and dry, you can bring out the barbecue, the table and chairs, and enjoy the fun summer months. Gather together with friends and family and start off your summer with an outdoor barbecue party on your great refurbished deck!

For more tips on how to refurbish your deck or if you're looking for someone to build your dream deck, contact us at Woodscape!

Woodscape Construction