Blog Post

Spring into Summer with These 4 Fun Deck Activities for the Whole Family

November 19, 2019

As the winter months quickly come to a close, you may be dreaming of the many things you can do to welcome in the warmer weather. Fortunately, there are many fun things you and your family can do on your Woodscape deck that will have you loving every minute of your outdoor time. Here are a few of our favorites:

Plan a scavenger hunt: Using your deck as home base, plan an alphabet scavenger hunt in your back yard. Just make a label for each letter of the alphabet then set the kids loose to see if they can find an item for each letter. Whomever finds all 26 items first wins!

Plant a container garden: Nothing beats fresh veggies in the spring and summer! With just a few planters and some organic soil, you can grow your own vegetables this summer. Give vining veggies like pumpkin or cantaloupe room to grow upward by providing a sturdy trellis, and other top-heavy plants like tomatoes cages to keep them under control. You can also try companion planting to get the most out of your space.

Play lawn dice: Play a game of dice using a few blocks of wood that have been sanded down and branded with corresponding dots. Games like Farkle, Yhatzee or Craps make excellent party games because the rules are simple and multiple people can play. So break out the outdoor chalk board and challenge your friends to a friendly game of dice this summer.

Play life-sized chess: There is no time to be bored when there are board games to be played, and chess is no exception. If you've got the space, then why not make a checker board on you our deck using painters tape? After the board has been prepared, use black and while blocks of wood to play checkers, or use life-sized chess pieces for a more challenging game.

Summer is almost here. Celebrate with these fun deck activities for the whole family! To learn more about how a deck can transform your home, contact Woodscape Construction.

Woodscape Construction