Blog Post

Winter Deck Care in Maryland and Virginia

November 19, 2019

It is said that “April is the cruelest month,” but when it comes to decks, nothing compares to the weather – and the damage – produced by Mother Nature during the winter months. The only protection is to take some proactive measures in the months before. Here are the basics for winter deck care in the Maryland and Virginia area:

Clean Thoroughly: This step involves more than just removing the remnants of your end-of-year barbecue party. Instead, you must actually search for and remove any mold, mildew, moss and or algae that will continue to degrade the wood during the winter months. Use a mild bleach-infused cleaner and a stiff, bristle brush to accomplish this.

Make Repairs: Believe it or not, the freezing and thawing cycle can really exacerbate any damage to your deck that may have occurred over the summer months. In short, instead of a minor fix now, you might be looking at a major one or complete replacement come next spring if you ignore the problem. In particular, ensure that the planking is solidly connected, that any fencing is firmly planted in the ground and that all gates are securely attached.

Apply a Protective Finish: Whether you are looking for a colored sealant or just a clear one, it is imperative to use one that protects the deck from water infiltration as, over the winter, the freeze/thaw cycle can cause irreparable damage. There are a number of reputable and proven products on the market.

Don't Shovel Any Snowfall: Here's a great tip that will save you both time and effort as well as help protect your deck - do not shovel any snow that collects on top. Simply put, it saves your back and does no harm to the wood since the snow will not penetrate into the deck. Only shovel if there is a large accumulation which can be very heavy.

For more information on properly preparing your deck for the coming winter weather, please visit us at Woodscape Construction.

Woodscape Construction